What is Beauty?
Is it the gentle rain tapping against the window pane?
Is it fine features that define the pixie face?
Is it found at the edges?
Or does one need to delve deep within the soul?
Who can say what beauty is?
Can it be one?
Or is it all the faces humanity sees?
Can it be found in darkness as well as light?
Is it that gentle heart full of love and joy
buried within a body that has long lost it’s shine?
Who determines the value, the presence of beauty?
Is it some Being over us all?
Is it you?
Is it me?
Perhaps there is no such thing…
In fact, that may be true.
The beholder speaks
but aside from what is seen
beauty, whether deep or shallow
understood or twisted beyond knowing
depends upon an ever changing reality…
whatever you or I or that Other-ness might see.